Jacky Cheung’s “Far-away Her” vs Tanimura Shinji’s “Romance Railway”

This post is available in English, 廣東話, 日本語 and 한국말.

Lyrics:潘源良 (Calvin Poon)
Composition:谷村新司 (Tanimura, Shinji)

作詞:谷村新司 (Tanimura, Shinji)
作曲:谷村新司 (Tanimura, Shinji)

讓晚風輕輕吹送了落霞 我已習慣每個傍晚去想她
Let the night wind gently breeze by sending away dusk, I’ve already grown used to thinking of her by nightfall.
在遠方的她此刻可知道 這段情在我心始終記掛
At this moment she’s in a far away place, does she know that this love hangs over my heart?
在這半山 那天我知我知快將要別離沒說話
On this mountainside on that day, I knew, I knew we would part ways soon without words

望向她 卻聽到她說
Looking at her though, she just said
不要相約 縱使分隔 相愛不會害怕
“Let’s not set a date, even if we’re apart, love has nothing to fear”
遙遙萬里 心聲有否偏差
On this long and winding path, will the sound of our hearts grow out of sync
正是讓這愛試出 真與假
We’re precisely testing our love, its sincerity
遙遠的她 彷彿借風聲跟我話
From far away, as if she’s borrowing the sound of the wind to talk to me
熱情若無變 那管它滄桑變化
If passion hasn’t changed, who cares if the world shrivels away

但這天收到她爸爸的一封信 信裡面說血癌已帶走她
But on this day I received a letter from her father, which said leukemia had taken her away
但覺得空虛的心彷彿已僵化 過去事像炮彈心中爆炸
But I felt my empty heart had grown stiff, past events seemed to have just exploded in my heart
在這半山 這天我悲痛悲痛不已在胡亂說話
On this mountainside on this day, my agony and torment no longer say anything out of place.

夜雨中 似聽到她說
Through the dark rain, I hear her saying,
不要相約 縱使分隔 相愛不會害怕
“Let’s not set a date, even if we’re apart, love has nothing to fear”

人無覓處 心聲有否偏差
She’s nowhere to be found, will the sound of our hearts grow out of sync
正是讓這愛試出 真與假
We’re precisely testing our love, its sincerity

遙遠的她 彷彿借風聲跟我話
From far away, as if she’s borrowing the sound of the wind to talk to me
熱情若無變 那管它滄桑變化
If passion hasn’t changed, who cares if the world shrivels away
遙遠的她 不可以再歸家
Far away, she won’t ever be able to return home
In my dreams though, there’s nothing else but her

遙遠的她 可知我心中的說話
From far away, does she know what my heart is saying?
熱情若無變 那管它滄桑變化
If passion hasn’t changed, who cares if the world shrivels away

遙遠的她 不可以再歸家遙遠的她 不可以再歸家
Far away, she won’t ever be able to return home
In my dreams though, there’s nothing else but her

遙遠的她 可知我心中的說話
From far away, does she know what my heart is saying?
熱情若無變 那管它滄桑變化
If passion hasn’t changed, who cares if the world shrivels away

名前も知らない駅の ホームで雪を見ている
Looking at snow from the platform of a station whose name I don’t even know
枕木に落ちた夢の 跡を數えながらいま
As I count the traces of a dream on the crossties now
The rail on the right connects to Tokyo
The rail on the left connects to the hometown that I miss

挫折と憧れだけ 震えながら抱きしめた
I’m holding onto my setbacks and my yearnings
線路の軋きしみは似てる 旅人の叫び聲に
The wanderer’s cries sound like the creak of the rail lines.

出逢いはいつも悲しい 別離わかれの時を思えば
Coming together, always makes me sad, bringing up thoughts of our departure
老人がつぶやいていた 人生は皆泡沫うたかた
As an old person that’s caught dumbfounded, life all bubbles away

The rail on the right entices innocent dreams
The rail on the left entices the happiness in small things

挫折と憧れだけ 震えながら抱きしめた
I’m holding onto my setbacks and my yearnings
線路の軋きしみは似てる 旅人の叫び聲に
The wanderer’s cries sound like the creak of the rail lines.

挫折と憧れだけ 震えながら抱きしめた
I’m holding onto my setbacks and my yearnings
線路の軋きしみは似てる 旅人の叫び聲に
The wanderer’s cries sound like the creak of the rail lines.

挫折と憧れだけ 震えながら抱きしめた
I’m holding onto my setbacks and my yearnings
線路の軋きしみは叫び 戸惑う汽車は旅人
The sound of rail lines creaks, startling the rail cart of wanderers.

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